Anxiety Treatment for Teens & Young Adults

Every young adult experiences nervousness or stress from time to time, but when those feelings become intrusive and regular, they can signal something more serious. Anxiety in young adults is becoming an increasingly pressing issue and one that deserves further education and attention.

If you’re searching for support for a young adult who is experiencing anxiety, this post is for you.

We’ll be discussing the causes and signs of anxiety in young adults that should be taken seriously. At the same time, we will tackle effective strategies for managing anxiety. Read on to learn how Innercept utilizes evidence-based treatment models to help young adults find relief from anxiety.

What Is Anxiety in Young Adults?

Anxiety in young adults is characterized by worry, apprehension, and fear that can interfere with daily activities. It can range from occasional stress to constant or intense anxiety, making everyday tasks challenging. Furthermore, it can be triggered by external stimuli such as environmental factors, school pressures, and family life changes.

Anxiety among teenagers is not unusual. In fact, the National Institute of Mental Health suggests that approximately 32% of adolescents aged 13-18 may be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Additionally, 12% of American kids between the ages of three and seventeen were said to have suffered from anxiety or a depression disorder in 2020, up from 9% in 2016.

It’s important to receive treatment for any type of anxiety in young adults. Having help from a professional can have many benefits. It provides coping strategies for difficult moments, develops problem-solving skills for unexpected changes, and improves communication skills for relationship management. One great option for receiving treatment is at Innercept. Our specialists provide individualized care to address your teen, specifically adolescents and young adults ages 13-28.

So what actually causes anxiety in teens and young adults?

Causes of Anxiety in Teens & Young Adults

There are many factors that can cause anxiety in young adults, and they can vary from individual to individual.

Stressful Life Transitions

When a person goes through a dramatic life change, they can become overwhelmed and start feeling anxious. These life transitions could be things like starting college or moving to a new city, illness or the death of a loved one, or financial difficulties. When this happens, it is important for parents and caregivers to provide support and resources to help these young adults cope with the associated anxiety. Seeking professional assistance may also be useful.

Genetics & Early Life Experiences

Genetic factors or early life experiences can also cause anxiety. For example, if someone has a parent who suffers from anxiety, or who experienced traumatic events as a child or adolescent, those events could cause someone to develop anxious thoughts or behaviors. Teens with a family history of anxiety disorders may be more likely to experience anxiety themselves.

Social Pressure

Social pressure can be a significant cause of anxiety in teens. Some common examples of social pressure that can lead to anxiety in teens include bullying, peer pressure, social media, academic pressure, family expectations, and love relationships.

Imbalanced Neurochemicals

Finally, research has shown that imbalances in certain neurotransmitters (chemical messengers that the brain uses to communicate) are linked to anxiety. An imbalance between serotonin and dopamine can cause one to feel more anxious than others.

It’s easy for teens and young adults to feel anxious because they are going through so many distinct life transitions. While anxiety is a typical human feeling and everyone may experience some degree of it at some point in their lives, it could be necessary to seek professional help if it is already affecting their ability to function and go about their everyday lives. When left untreated, anxiety can lead to depression, substance abuse, and, in extreme situations, thoughts of self-harm or suicide.

Treatment at Innercept is designed to help teens and young adults identify their triggers and implement healthy coping techniques so they can better manage their feelings of anxiety before it spiral into an unmanageable state.

What are the Types of Anxiety Commonly Experienced by Teens & Young Adults

Anxiety in young adults can take many forms, but some common types are generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, panic disorder, and specific phobias.

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is an excessive fear and worry that persists for more than six months. Sufferers may feel overwhelmed even in the absence of an actual threat.
  • Social Phobia is an intense fear of social situations or being judged by peers that lead to avoidance of such events or places. This type of anxiety may make it difficult to participate in activities such as school, clubs or sports teams.
  • Panic Disorder is a type of anxiety marked by frequent panic attacks. These attacks may come without warning and can occur at random or be brought on by a specific stimulus in their environment. Panic disorder may include intense physical symptoms like sweating, shaking, chest pain, and trouble breathing.
  • Specific phobia is an intense phobia of particular objects or circumstances that aren’t actually harmful, such as dogs, heights, flying, etc. Teenagers can develop specialized phobias of several things, including deep water and death.

What are the Symptoms of Anxiety in Young Adults and Teens?

It goes without saying that everyone experiences anxiety in their own unique way, but there are some common symptoms of anxiety found in young adults. Some of these may include:

Physical Symptoms

  • Racing heart
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness and light-headedness
  • Muscle tension
  • Stomach problems, nausea or diarrhea
  • Sweating or trembling hands
  • Cognitive Symptoms
  • A feeling of dread and fear
  • Constant worrying and rumination
  • Negative thinking patterns (“catastrophizing”
  • Difficulty concentrating or a feeling that your thoughts are racing
  • Unrealistic expectations you put on yourself

Behavioral Symptoms

  • Procrastination – especially if it starts to interfere with your everyday life
  • Avoiding potentially stressful situations that may trigger anxious feelings
  • Absence from friends and family or social disengagement

What is the Best Teen Anxiety Treatment Option?

teen anxiety treatment

When it comes to treating teen and young adult anxiety, you have a few options. Of course, you can always talk to your primary care doctor about what options are available to you. But one option that might be worth considering is receiving top-notch treatment at Innercept in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.

At Innercept, we provide residential mental health treatment for young people with complex diagnoses and those who have struggled in previous treatment programs. Our approach focuses on a 90-day minimum stay to ensure effective assessment, diagnosis, and treatment, focusing on the following four frameworks:

  • Self and consciousness (The parts of me no one can see)
  • Behaviors and perspective (The parts of me that others see and measure)
  • Foundational values (culture and world view)
  • Social system and environment (Everything outside of me)

Here’s an overview of our treatment process at Innercept:

  1. Individualized Treatment Plans: We create tailored treatment plans based on each person’s unique needs and goals. This personalized approach allows us to target specific areas for improvement and support throughout the healing process.
  2. Integral Psychology Approach: At Innercept, we emphasize a holistic treatment approach that focuses on the whole person. This integral psychology approach helps us address the emotional, mental, and behavioral aspects of each individual.
  3. Adolescent Intensive Residential Program: We offer an intensive residential treatment program specifically designed for adolescents struggling with emotional, mental health, and behavioral issues. This program provides an immersive, structured environment for young people to work through their challenges and develop the skills needed for a healthier life.

By choosing Innercept, young people can benefit from our evidence-based treatment methods, compassionate staff, and dedication to long-term success. We’re committed to helping each individual grow and thrive, even when they’ve faced setbacks in previous treatment programs.

Benefits of Receiving Treatment at Innercept

No matter the type of anxiety you are experiencing, professional help can be a game-changer for getting your life back on track. At Innercept, we believe that the approach to treating anxiety in young adults should be comprehensive and individualized based on the patient’s needs. The treatment focuses on helping young adults develop healthy coping skills while also addressing the underlying causes of their anxiety.

Here are just a few of the benefits of receiving treatment at Innercept:

  • Individualized treatment plans are created based on age, gender, and severity of symptoms
  • Highly qualified therapists who specialize in treating teens and young adults
  • Trauma-informed care and evidence-based therapeutic approaches
  • Immediate access to other medical professionals like psychiatrists
  • Support groups for family members
  • A safe and secure environment for recovering from anxiety

Receiving quality treatment can make it easier for teens and young adults struggling with anxiety to cope with the symptoms of anxiety, regulate their emotions, and build self-confidence in the long run – making it an invaluable resource for anyone dealing with anxiety.

Innercept can Help with Your Teen’s Anxiety

anxiety recovery

Living a happier, more optimistic life begins with realizing that anxiety disorders in young adults are serious, life-altering issues. The good news is that anxiety doesn’t have to rule your life, and there are treatment options available. From exploring different types of treatments to seeking professional help, Innercept is here to provide you with the support you need to achieve your well-being goals. If you or someone you know is struggling with anxiety or any other mental health issue, reach out for help today – the only way to go from here is forward.

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